ผลงานด้านการแสดง ของ เจี่ยง ฉินฉิน


1994Bloody Brothers新大小不良Xiaoyao
1995Tiexue Chuanqi铁血传奇Fan Ruyu
1997Fitness Tour减肥旅行团Ms Jingjing
2001The Sino-Dutch War 1661英雄郑成功Xue Liang
2005My Sister’s Dictionary姐姐词典Niu Hongmei
Seven Nights七夜Song Yao
2009City of Dream所有梦想都开花Lin Fang
2011The Sun大太阳Ying Tao[2]
2014Who is Undercover一号目标Lu Yiran
One Step Away触不可及Lu Qiuqi
2015A Fool一个勺子Jin Zhizi[3]
2017The Door完美有多美Zhuo Yanni[4]


1992Meitai Guanyin媚态观音Meitai Guanyin
1998Kingdoms of the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty东周列国春秋篇Qi Jiang
Xiaofengxian's Story小凤仙的故事Xiaofengxian
Tears in Heaven苍天有泪Xiao Yufeng
Jingdu Shentan京都神探Qi Menggu
1999Kangxi Incognito Travel康熙微服私访记之八宝粥记Zhu Yunqiao
Liumang Taizi流氓太子Duan Yu
Romance of the White Haired Maiden白发魔女Lian Nichang
Master of Zen达摩祖师Hu Ji
2000Shenyi Hua Tuo神医华陀Princess Rourou
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon卧虎藏龙Yu Jiaolong
Grief Over QingHe River青河绝恋Shen Xinci / Liang Xiuyun
2001Wang Zhong Wang王中王Princess Qianyun
Detective Collum神探科蓝Li Xing'er
2002The Four Detective Guards四大名捕Hei Hudie
Wind and Cloud风云雄霸天下Mingyue
2003My Fair Princess III还珠格格三之天上人间Xia Yingying
The Legend of the Condor Heroes射雕英雄传Mu Nianci
Affair of Half a Lifetime半生缘Gu Manlu
2004The Last Concubine末代皇妃Wenxiu
A Loud Slap耳光响亮Niu Hongmei
World of Heroic Duo风云争霸Beitang Xing'er
2005Han Women大汉巾帼Xin Zhui
2006Qiao's Grand Courtyard乔家大院Lu Yuhan[5]
If the Moon has Eyes如果月亮有眼睛Fan MeiyinCameo
Xiangfen Shijia香粉世家Lianyi
2009Four Generations Under One Roof四世同堂Yunmei[6]
2011Epoch-Making开天辟地Song Qingling
China 1945: Chong Qing Feng Yun中国1945之重庆风云Song Meiling
The Great Time大时代Liang Hongyu
2014Grandpa's Anti Japanese War姥爷的抗战Tan Liping[7]
2017Si Jie La Mei田姐辣妹Tian Jiahui
Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy九州·海上牧云记Nanku Mingyi


WikiPedia: เจี่ยง ฉินฉิน http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/2014-12/05/co... http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/shanxi/2012-03/12/c... http://data.ent.sina.com.cn/star/675.html http://english.cri.cn/12394/2015/11/17/4001s904445... http://english.cri.cn/6666/2009/04/29/1321s480170.... http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1032532.shtml http://www.cctv.com/program/cultureexpress/2008071... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1878833/ https://mgronline.com/china/detail/9500000035998