ตำราและการแปล ของ ญาบิร

  • M. Berthelot: La chimie au moyen age (vol. 3,L'alehimie arabe, Paris,1893. The Arabic text of a few of Jabir's writings is edited by Octave Houdas. French translation, p. 126-224. See E. J.Holmyard's criticism in Isis, XI, 479-499, 1924).
  • Ernst Darmstaedter: Die Alehemie des Geber (212 p., 10pl.; Berlin, 1922. German translation of the Latin treatises ascribed to Geber;reviewed by J. Ruska in Isis, V, 451-455, concluding that these Latin treatisesare apocryphal); Liber misericordiae Geber. Eine lateinisehe ubersetzung desgrosseren Kitab al-rahma (Archive fur Gesehichte der Medizin, vol. 17,181-197, 1925; Isis, VIII, 737).