ประวัติ ของ ธงชัย_(โซเวียต)

ธงชัยประจำกองพลทหารปืนเล็กยาวที่ 150 "ผืนจริง" จัดแสดงที่พิพิธภัณฑ์กองทัพรัสเซีย

Report of the commander of the 3rd assault army to the head of political administration of The Red Army about the fight for Reichstag and placing the Victory Banner on it. (quotes)[1]

July 2, 1945.

The Commander of the 1st Belarussian Front Marshal of Soviet Union comrade Zhukov ordered the troops of 3rd assault army headily enter Berlin, to secure the downtown and Reichstag and to place the Victory Banner on it. <...>

Having defeated the last enemy strongholds the troops of the army entered Berlin at 6:00 AM on the 21st of April 1945. <...>

After seizing the downtown the troops of the 3rd assault army penetrated the neighborhood of Reichtag at the end of 29 of April 1945..

On the 30th of April with the sunrise they started the massive assault on Reichtag. <...>

On the 30th of April 1945 at 14:25 the fighters of superior corporal Syanov's group fought their way to the roof and reached the dome. The courageous warriors - Communist Lieutenant Berest, Comsomol Member Soldier Egorov and member of no party Junior Corporal Kantaria have set the banner, the symbol of our Great Victory, the Proud Flag of the Soviet Union flew above the German Parliament building!

The burned and pierced by bullets Banner was victoriously flying above defeated Berlin <...>

The Commander of the troops of the 3rd Assault Army, Soviet Union Hero, Сolonel-General Kuznetsov

Member of Military Board of the 3rd Assault Army Major-General Litvinov


ธงชัย ธงชัย ประสงค์สันติ ธงชัย สุขโข ธงชัยประจำหน่วยตำรวจ ธงชัย ทองกันทม ธงชัย วินิจจะกูล ธงชัย ใจดี ธงชัยราชกระบี่ยุทธ ธงชัยพระครุฑพ่าห์ ธงชัยกองทหารอาสาสยามในสงครามโลกครั้งที่หนึ่ง ธงชัย สุขโกกี