ตัวอย่าง ของ ภาษาอาบัป

จาก SAP NetWeaver:

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------* set an exclusive lock at level object-type & object-id* -----------------------------------------------------------------------  IF NOT lf_bapi_error = true.    IF ( NOT istourhd-doc_type IS INITIAL ) AND       ( NOT istourhd-doc_id IS INITIAL ).      CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_/DSD/E_HH_RAREF'           EXPORTING                obj_typ        = istourhd-doc_type                obj_id         = istourhd-doc_id           EXCEPTIONS                foreign_lock   = 1                system_failure = 2                OTHERS         = 3.      IF sy-subrc <> 0.*       terminate processing...        lf_bapi_error = true.*       ...and add message to return table        PERFORM set_msg_to_bapiret2             USING    sy-msgid gc_abort sy-msgno                      sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4                      gc_istourhd gc_enqueue_refdoc space             CHANGING lt_return.      ENDIF.    ENDIF.  ENDIF.    " bapi error
