อ้างอิง ของ ภาษาแคเรีย

  • Adiego, I.J. The Carian Language. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
  • Melchert, H. Craig. 2004. Carian in Roger D. Woodard, ed., The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 609–613.
  • Blümel, W., Frei, P., et al., ed., Colloquium Caricum = Kadmos 38 (1998).
  • Giannotta, M.E., Gusmani, R., et al., ed., La decifrazione del Cario. Rome. 1994.
  • Adiego, Ignacio-Javier, Studia Carica. Barcelona, 1993.
  • Ray, John D., An outline of Carian grammar, Kadmos 29:54-73 (1990).
  • Откупщиков, Ю. В. "Догреческий субстрат. У истоков европейской цивилизации" [Otkupschikov, Yu. V. "Pre-Greek substrate. At the beginnings of the European civilization"]. Leningrad, 263 pp. (1988).
  • Ray, John D., An approach to the Carian script, Kadmos 20:150-162 (1981).