อ้างอิง ของ ลูกกวาดไม้เท้า

  1. Hartel, Richard W.; Hartel, AnnaKate (2014). Candy Bites: The Science of Sweets. New York: Springer. p. 53. ISBN 978-1-4614-9383-9 – โดยทาง Google Books. The candy cane is said to have its origins at Christmas time in Germany circa 1670. A church choirmaster in Cologne gave sticks of hard candy with a crook at the end to the children in his choir to keep them quiet during long Christmas services.
  2. "American Christmas Tree Journal". National Christmas Tree Association. 2005. p. 40 – โดยทาง Google Books. St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on the anniversary of his death in 343 A.D. The candy cane is said to represent the crozier, or bishop's staff, of St. Nicholas. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine ต้องการ |magazine= (help)
