ผลงานด้านการแสดง ของ อู๋_ฉีหลง


1990Wandering Heroes好小子之游侠儿Xiao Long
1992To Miss With Love逃學外傳Nicky Wu
1994In Between新同居時代Steven Chan
1994The Lovers梁祝Leung San-pak (Liang Shanbo)
1995Young Policemen in Love新扎師兄追女仔 (逃学战警)Suantou
1995Remember M Remember E哪有一天不想你Ziqi
1995Love in the Time of Twilight花月佳期Jiang Jiwei
1996Forever Friends號角響起 (四个不平凡的少年)Xiao Dingzhong
1996King of Comics漫畫王(顽皮炸弹)Young gangster master
1996Thunder Cops新喋血雙雄Wu Zhilong
1996Naughty Boys & Soldiers狗蛋大兵Captain
1997The Kid vs The Cop天生絕配Wu Zhengying
1997Jail in Burning Island火燒島之橫行霸道Lin Jianer
1997Stand Behind the Yellow Line生日多戀事 (边缘青年)Little Master
1999Deja-Vu緣, 妙不可言 (缘分2000)Nicky
1999My Heart Will Go On还我情心Leo
1999Grim Guys好孩子(男生女生配)Awu
2000A Matter of Time新賭國仇城Ye Shaolong
2001Never Say Goodbye有人說愛我Gao Zhaowen
2001First Story of Love初戀的故事Yu Bo
2006A Battle of Wits墨攻Zituan
2007The Valiant Ones New新忠烈圖Cao Ding


1991Little Hero, Dragon Whirlwind小俠龍旋風Yu Zimin
1996First-Rate Idol偶像一级棒Chen DaweiCameo
1999IT FilesIT檔案Computer genius
1999At the Threshold of an Era創世紀Joe Yip
1999At the Threshold of an Era II創世紀Joe Yip
2000Treasure Venture俠女闖天關Shui Ruohan
2002Treasure Raiders蕭十一郎Xiao Shiyilangalso co-director
2002Pursuing Dreams追夢Shao Bing
2003Musketeers and Princess名捕震關東Wu Qing and Yin Teng
2004Heroes on a Silk Road絲路豪俠Yan Xiaoyao
2004Six-Fingered Demon Lute六指琴魔Fu Yunjun
2005Jing Wei Tian Hai精衛填海Xing TianCameo
2005How Much Sorrow Do You Have問君能有幾多愁Li Yu
2006Iron Fisted Drifter鐵拳浪子Kang Jiealso producer
2007Cheerful Get-Together in Beijing十全十美之相聚北京Li Dongjun
2007Da Ma Tou大碼頭Wen Alu
2007The Fairies of Liaozhai聊斋奇女子之连成Qiao Sheng
2007Around Winter大约在冬季Gong Jun
2008You Are my Dream你是我的梦Tao Ziting and Ye Ting
2008Remember I Love You记得我爱你Xia Qing'en
2009Legend of the Book's Tower風滿樓Ao Xietian
2010Yue Erte Sonata约尔特奏鸣曲Murong Yu
2010Prequel of the Dart Hero镖行天下前传Wang Zhaoxing
2011Mystery Cases江湖奇案Chai FeiCameo
2011The Sanctuary圣堂风云Liu Moyuan
2011The Hand Fan Lady扇娘Inoue Soratsuki
2011Scarlet Heart步步惊心Yinzhen
2012Lord of Legal Advisors刑名师爷Duan Ping
2012The Bride with White Hair新白发魔女传Zhuo Yihangalso producer
2012To Advance Toward The Fire向着炮火前进Lei Zifeng
2013To Advance Toward The Victory向着胜利前进Zhan Langalso chief planner
2014Scarlet Heart 2步步惊情Yin Zheng
2014Incisive Great Teacher犀利仁师Liu Aotianalso producer
2015Severe Winter寒冬Deng Zihua
2015Legend of Zu Mountain蜀山战纪之剑侠传奇Shangguan Jingwo/Lu Paoalso producer
2016Impossible Mission不可能完成的任务Lan ZhibingCameo
also producer
2017To Advance Toward The Happiness向着幸福前进Yan Peiqingalso executive producer
2017Fly the Youth飞吧!骚年Ji Haowei
2017April Star 繁星四月Xiao Hanalso producer and art director
2017My Ruby My Blood一粒红尘Qi Tang
2017A Step into the Past寻秦记Zhan FengCameo
also art director
2018The Legend of Zu 2蜀山战纪2踏火行歌Xiao Yuealso producer
2018Goodbye Las Vegas别了,拉斯维加斯Olive
2018Mr. Confinement Nurse月嫂先生Shen Xinwei
