ข้อมูล ของ เนตบอลชิงแชมป์โลก

  1. The title was shared because there were no finals, the top 10 teams playing off in a round robin. Each of the top three teams won eight out of nine matches, losing once, to one of the other two. The tournament rules of the time did not provide any way of determining an outright winner.
  2. There were no finals, the top 4 teams played a round robin tournament. Australia and Trinidad & Tobago ended the tournament with one win (against England), one loss (to New Zealand) and one draw (with each other). The tournament rules of the time did not provide any way to break this tie.
  3. Suva, Fiji was scheduled to host the 2007 competition but was stripped of the right as a direct result of the December 2006 coup. Hosting rights were subsequently awarded to Auckland, New Zealand, and the competition date moved from July to November 2007
