อ้างอิง ของ เออแฌน_วียอแล-เลอ-ดุก

  1. Summerson, Sir John (1948). Heavenly Mansions and Other essays on Architecture. London: Cresset Press.
  2. Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. ([1854] 1990). The foundations of architecture. New York: George Braziller. P. 195. (Translated by Kenneth D. Whitehead from the original French.)
  3. John Ruskin. ([1880] 1989). The seven lamps of architecture. New York: Dover Publications. P. 194
  4. Summerson, Sir John (1948). Heavenly Mansions and Other essays on Architecture. London: Cresset Press.
  5. Ochshorn, Jonathan. "Designing Building Failures". Cornell University.
  6. Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugene-Emmanuel (1990). The Architectural Theory of Viollet-Le-Duc: Readings and Commentary. MIT Press.