อ้างอิง ของ แมกโนเลีย

  1. The number of species in the genus Magnolia depends on the taxonomic view that one takes up. Recent molecular and morphological research shows that former genera Talauma, Dugandiodendron, Manglietia, Michelia, Elmerrillia, Kmeria, Parakmeria, Pachylarnax (and a small number of monospecific genera) all belong within the same genus, Magnolia s.l. (s.l. = sensu lato: 'in a broad sense', as opposed to s.s. = sensu stricto: 'in a narrow sense'). The genus Magnolia s.s. contains about 120 species. See the section Nomenclature and classification of Magnolia in this article.
  2. Often treated as a distinct species, Magnolia pyramidata.
  3. Often treated as a distinct species, Magnolia ashei.
  4. Often treated as a distinct species, Magnolia dealbata.