เชิงอรรถและอ้างอิง ของ Negri_bodies

  1. 1 2 Sketchy Group, LLC. "2.3 Rhabdovirus". www.sketchymedical.com (ภาษาอังกฤษ). สืบค้นเมื่อ 2017-04-12.
  2. Lahaye, Xavier; Vidy, Aurore; Pomier, Carole; Obiang, Linda; Harper, Francis; Gaudin, Yves; Blondel, Danielle (2009-08-15). "Functional Characterization of Negri Bodies (NBs) in Rabies Virus-Infected Cells: Evidence that NBs Are Sites of Viral Transcription and Replication". Journal of Virology (ภาษาอังกฤษ). 83 (16): 7948–7958. doi:10.1128/JVI.00554-09. ISSN 0022-538X. PMC 2715764.
  3. synd/2491 ใน Who Named It?
  4. "Changing the Face of Medicine". NCBI.
  5. Negri, Adelchi (1904). "Contributo allo studio dell'eziologia della rabbia". Bollettino della Società medico-chirurgica di Pavia. 2: 88–115.
  6. Henry, Ronnie; Murphy, Frederick R. (2017). "Etymologia: Negri Bodies". Emerg Infect Dis. 23 (9): 1461. doi:10.3201/eid2309.ET2309. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2017-09-12. citing public domain text from the CDC
