Nationality ของ คุยกับผู้ใช้:Lerdsuwa

Good Day I came to visit you because to solve the problem. The stitch is written as Russian. Ukrainians / and Russian two different totally Rus people are written incorrectly in the category: because the Russian Empire was large, there lived peoples of different races . It is wrong to record in ethnic Russians Lutsk is Western Ukraine, here the indigenous population is Ukrainians) Ukraine was not an independent state. although the people were long ago.

พูดคุย:หม่อมคัทริน ณ พิศณุโลก Read in the English and French wikipedia you'll see that we are a people that is worthy to be recorded in its greatness. You will be confused that the empire with the capital in the Ukrainian city of Kiev disappeared in the 12th century and after this only in 1991 we regained our permanent independence. Now we have shown that we can defend the country from the aggressor (an attempt at annexation of Donbass) also in us there is a Hero who is known beyond the border as a symbol of struggle is --ข้อความนี้ไม่ได้ลงชื่อ ซึ่งออกความเห็นโดยผู้ใช้ Bohdan Bondar (พูดคุยหน้าที่เขียน) 05:49, 14 กรกฎาคม 2561 (ICT)
I have looked at the article. You must understand that, in Thai, we usually view people by nationality rather than race. The article is correct in this aspect because during that time it was Russian Empire so her nationality was Russian. --Lerdsuwa (คุย) 09:54, 14 กรกฎาคม 2561 (ICT)

@Lerdsuwa:At the end of the 19th century, with the aim of destroying Ukrainians in the Russian Empire, a law was passed banning the Ukrainian language, the Ukrainian people were officially renamed the Little -Russianséraire_et_l'interdiction_(XIXe_siècle_-_1917) [Renaissance littéraire et l'interdiction (XIXe siècle - 1917) De nombreux chercheurs étrangers de l'époque, surtout ceux originaires de pays alliés à la Russie, se fiaient à la position officielle du gouvernement tsariste. C'est ainsi que l’Encyclopædia Britannica 1911 définissait l'ukrainien comme un dialecte « petit russe » de la langue russe1. Toutefois, vers la fin du régime tsariste, l'Académie des sciences impériale admit que l'ukrainien était bel et bien une langue indépendante2. (a separate people at the official level turned into a subspecies of Russians) precisely because of the policy of destroying Ukrainians as a nation, it turned out that for you it is Russian.]

For books published in Ukrainian language were put in prison - that is, it was genocide. Now Russia uses the Ukrainian as a means of building diplomatic relations. In fact, I'm manipulating you. I'm curious: the people of Thailand would like to have a Thai-born native transplanted to be called a secret, and instead a different nation, just because Thailand was not independent a hundred years ago, but was a colony. I ask only to add the Ukrainian because of the Ukrainian people. Second: The position you are following: to copy the errors of the French and English Wikipedia is more important than the truth? And what can we reconcile with the theft of Russia? In Ukraine, world geniuses were born: Malevich, Sikorsky (American aircraft designer), Ilya Mechnikov-Russia was stolen and they are known as Russians. I hope that the Buddha will send you wisdom and you white name white and black black.--Bohdan Bondar (คุย) 06:12, 17 กรกฎาคม 2561 (ICT)
@Bohdan Bondar: I do not understand why you are not trying to edit it in the Ukrainian Wikipedia and/or Russian Wikipedia in order to reach the proper consensus on nationality. It is apparent that nationality and race are two distinct issues, and nationality also requires the consideration of Jus sanguinis and jus soli concept. Ilya Mechnikov, for example, was born in Russian Empire at the place now known as Ukraine, and if we put the current nationality law into issue, he was born with one parents being Russian, so he get Russian by jus sanguinis; had he not acquired Russian from a parent, he may be regarded as Ukrainian by jus soli. Even Igor Sikorsky who was born in present-day Ukraine also regarded himself to have Russian ancestry as at the time, Kiev was in Russian Empire. Therefore, the question as to whether Catherine Desnitski's nationality is Russian or Ukrainian should be put to rest, as her race may be Ukrainian, but her nationality is Russian. Those two are not in conflict with one another. -- 12:22, 17 กรกฎาคม 2561 (ICT)


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