อ้างอิง ของ ชาวสกอตแลนด์

  1. The Scottish Diaspora
  2. The Scottish Diaspora and Diaspora Strategy
  3. Table 2: Ethnic Groups, Scotland, 2001 and 2011
  4. 1 2 American Community Survey 2008 by the US Census Bureau estimates 5,827,046 people claiming Scottish ancestry and 3,538,444 people claiming Scotch-Irish ancestry.
  5. Who are the Scots-Irish?
  6. "ABS Ancestry". 2012.
  7. Northern Ireland#Demography
  8. stats.govt.nz
  9. http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/economic/census/censusreport2006.pdf
  10. Friends Of Scotland
  11. The Ancestral Scotland website states the following: "Scotland is a land of 5.1 million people. A proud people, passionate about their country and her rich, noble heritage. For every single Scot in their native land, there are thought to be at least five more overseas who can claim Scottish ancestry; that's many millions spread throughout the globe."
  12. History, Tradition and roots, ancestry
  13. Visit Scotland.org
บทความเกี่ยวกับมนุษย์ มานุษยวิทยา และเรื่องที่เกี่ยวข้องนี้ยังเป็นโครง คุณสามารถช่วยวิกิพีเดียได้โดยเพิ่มข้อมูล


WikiPedia: ชาวสกอตแลนด์ http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/207... http://www.ancestralscotland.com http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:9rMOBtUC... http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2004/editi... http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/ADPTable?_bm=... http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/treasury/economic/censu... http://www2.stats.govt.nz/domino/external/pasfull/... http://www.scotland.org/about/history-tradition-an... http://www.visitscotland.org/news_item.htm?newsID=... http://www.friendsofscotland.gov.uk/scotlandnow/ge...