อ้างอิง ของ มาเอสตะ

  1. See M. Lawrence's discussion of this image, "Maria Regina", Art Bulletin 7 (1924-25:150-61.
  2. Suggested by Lawrence 1924:
  3. In Corippus' poem, Sophia (Wisdom) prays "Virgo, creatoris genetrix sanctissima mundi, excelsi regina poli...". (Corippus, A. Cameron, ed., In laudem Justini augusti minoris (London) 1976, vol. II:52f. The more familiar In laudem Mariae, praising Mary as Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven), is a late sixth century poem, perhaps by Venantius Fortunatus.
  4. Several rare examples in fresco and mosaic, including the lost apse mosaic in the first church in Rome dedicated to Mary, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, are listed by John L. Osborne, "Early Medieval Painting in San Clemente, Rome: The Madonna and Child in the Niche", Gesta 20.2 (1981:299-310) p. 304f.
