อ้างอิง ของ ออกโทเนียน

  1. . Appendix reprinted in The Collected Mathematical Papers, Johnson Reprint Co., New York, 1963, p. 127
  2. Hamilton (1848), "Note, by Sir W. R. Hamilton, respecting the researches of John T. Graves, Esq.", Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 21: 338–341
  3. G Gentili, C Stoppato, DC Struppa and F Vlacci (2009), "Recent developments for regular functions of a hypercomplex variable", in Irene Sabadini; M Shapiro; F Sommen, Hypercomplex analysis (Conference on quaternionic and Clifford analysis; proceedings ed.), Birkhäuser, p. 168, ISBN 978-3-7643-9892-7