อ้างอิง ของ ต้นฉบับทางเศรษฐศาสตร์และปรัชญาจากปี_1844

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Arthur 1991, p. 165.
  2. Arthur 1991, p. 165; Colletti 1992, p. 8.
  3. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 162.
  4. 1 2 3 Colletti 1992, p. 15.
  5. McLellan 1980, pp. 130–131.
  6. McLellan 1980, p. 131.
  7. Garaudy 1967, p. 49.
  8. Garaudy 1967, p. 50.
  9. 1 2 Mészáros 1970, p. 12.
  10. Mészáros 1970, pp. 14–15.
  11. McLellan 1980, p. 216.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kołakowski 1978, p. 132.
  13. Levine 2006, p. 223.
  14. Sperber 2013, p. 144.
  15. 1 2 3 McLellan 1980, p. 165.
  16. 1 2 Colletti 1992, p. 16.
  17. Mészáros 1970, pp. 12–13.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Arthur 1986b.
  19. Benton 1992, p. 432.
  20. Arthur 1986b; Benton 1992, pp. 429-430.
  21. Mészáros 1970, pp. 13.
  22. Petrovic 1991, p. 12.
  23. Petrovic 1991, p. 11.
  24. McLellan 1980, p. 166.
  25. McLellan 1980, p. 167.
  26. McLellan 1980, pp. 167–168.
  27. McLellan 1980, p. 168.
  28. Kołakowski 1978, p. 134.
  29. 1 2 Kołakowski 1978, p. 138.
  30. Marx 1992, p. 325: "he receives an object of labor, i.e., in that he receives work, and, secondly, in that he receives means of subsistence. This enables him to exist, first as a worker; and second, as a physical subject. The height of this servitude is that it is only as a worker that he can maintain himself as a physical subject and that it is only as a physical subject that he is a worker."
  31. Marx 1992, p. 23-24: "We have considered the act of estranging practical human activity, labor, in two of its aspects. (1) The relation of the worker to the product of labor as an alien object exercising power over him. [...] (2) The relation of labor to the act of production within the labor process. [...] (3) Man’s species-being, both nature and his spiritual species-property, into a being alien to him, into a means of his individual existence. [...] (4) An immediate consequence of the fact that man is estranged from the product of his labor, from his life activity, from his species-being, is the estrangement of man from man."
  32. 1 2 3 4 McLellan 1980, p. 170.
  33. McLellan 1980, pp. 168–169.
  34. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 169.
  35. McLellan 1980, pp. 169–170.
  36. McLellan 1980, pp. 170–171.
  37. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 171.
  38. Marx 1992, p. 327.
  39. McLellan 1980, pp. 171–172.
  40. 1 2 3 McLellan 1980, p. 172.
  41. McLellan 1980, p. 173.
  42. McLellan 1980, pp. 172–173.
  43. McLellan 1980, pp. 173–174.
  44. 1 2 3 McLellan 1980, p. 174.
  45. McLellan 1980, pp. 174–175.
  46. 1 2 3 4 5 McLellan 1980, p. 181.
  47. Marx 1992, pp. 345–346.
  48. 1 2 Marx 1992, p. 346.
  49. McLellan 1980, p. 182.
  50. Marx 1992, p. 347.
  51. Marx 1992, p. 348: "Communism is the positive supersession of private property as human self-estrangement, and therefore as the true appropriation of the human essence through and for man; it is the complete restoration of man to himself as a social, i.e., human, being, a restoration which has become conscious and which takes place within the entire wealth of previous periods of development. This communism, as fully developed naturalism, equals humanism, and as fully developed humanism equals naturalism; it is the genuine resolution of the conflict between man and nature, and between man and man, the true resolution of the conflict between existence and being, between objectification and self-affirmation, between freedom and necessity, between individual and species. It is the solution of the riddle of history and knows itself to be the solution."
  52. McLellan 1980, pp. 184–185.
  53. 1 2 3 4 McLellan 1980, p. 185.
  54. 1 2 Marx 1992, p. 348.
  55. 1 2 3 4 McLellan 1980, p. 186.
  56. Marx 1992, pp. 349–350.
  57. Marx 1992, p. 351: "Man, much as he may therefore be a particular individual (and it is precisely his particularity which makes him an individual, and a real individual social being), is just as much the totality – the ideal totality – the subjective existence of imagined and experienced society for itself;"
  58. 1 2 3 4 5 McLellan 1980, p. 187.
  59. Marx 1992, p. 352: "The supersession of private property is therefore the complete emancipation of all human senses and attributes"
  60. Marx 1992, p. 352: "Need or employment have therefore lost their egoistic nature, and nature has lost its mere utility in the sense that its use has become human use."
  61. 1 2 3 4 McLellan 1980, p. 188.
  62. Marx 1992, p. 354: "subjectiveness and objectivism, spiritualism and materialism, activity and passivity [Leiden]"
  63. Marx 1992, p. 354.
  64. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 189.
  65. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 190.
  66. 1 2 3 McLellan 1980, p. 192.
  67. McLellan 1980, pp. 192–193.
  68. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 193.
  69. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 196.
  70. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 195.
  71. McLellan 1980, p. 194.
  72. 1 2 3 McLellan 1980, p. 197.
  73. 1 2 3 4 McLellan 1980, p. 198.
  74. McLellan 1980, p. 199.
  75. McLellan 1980, pp. 199–200.
  76. McLellan 1980, p. 200.
  77. McLellan 1980, p. 201.
  78. McLellan 1980, pp. 201–202.
  79. McLellan 1980, p. 202.
  80. 1 2 McLellan 1980, p. 204.
  81. McLellan 1980, pp. 204–205.
  82. 1 2 3 McLellan 1980, p. 205.
  83. McLellan 1980, pp. 205–206.
  84. McLellan 1980, p. 206.
  85. 1 2 3 Leopold 2007, p. 4.
  86. Anderson 1976, p. 50.
  87. Marcuse 1972, p. 1: "the entire theory of 'scientific socialism' on a new footing"
  88. Anderson 1976, pp. 50–51.
  89. 1 2 3 Anderson 1976, p. 51.
  90. Berman 2018; Leopold 2007, p. 6.
  91. Arthur 1991, p. 165; Fromm 1966.
  92. Arthur 1991, p. 165; Mészáros 1970, p. 217; Petrovic 1967, pp. 31-34.
  93. Fromm 1966, pp. 69-79; Petrovic 1967, pp. 35-51.
  94. Colletti 1992, p. 18.
  95. Althusser 2005, p. 34.
  96. Mészáros 1970, p. 217; Petrovic 1967, pp. 31-32.
  97. Mandel 1971, p. 164: "(1) The position of those who try to deny that there is any difference between the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts and Capital, and find the essentials of the theses of Capital already present in the Manuscripts.
    (2) The position of those who consider that compared to the Marx of Capital, the Marx of the Manuscripts sets out in a more "total" and "integral" way the problem of alienated labor, especially by giving an ethical, anthropological, and even philosophical dimension to the idea; these people either contrast the two Marxs or else "re-evaluate" Capital in the light of the Manuscripts.
    (3) The position of those who consider that the conceptions of the young Marx of the Manuscripts on alienated labor not only contradict the economic analysis of Capital but were an obstacle that made it difficult for the young Marx to accept the labor theory of value. For the extreme representatives of this school, the concept of alienation is a "pre-Marxist" concept which Marx had to overcome before he could arrive at a scientific analysis of capitalist economy."


  • Althusser, Louis (2005) [1965]. "Introduction: Today". For Marx. แปลโดย Brewster, Ben. London: Verso. pp. 21–40. ISBN 978-1-84467-052-9.
  • Anderson, Perry (1976). Considerations on Western Marxism. Bristol: New Left Books. ISBN 9780902308671.
  • Arthur, Christopher J. (1986a). Dialectics of Labour: Marx and his Relation to Hegel. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 7 ธันวาคม 2022.
  • Arthur, Christopher J. (1986b). "Appendix". Dialectics of Labour: Marx and his Relation to Hegel. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 5 ตุลาคม 2022.
  • Arthur, Christopher J. (1991). "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts". ใน Bottomore, Tom; Harris, Laurence; Kiernan, V.G.; Miliband, Ralph (บ.ก.). The Dictionary of Marxist Thought (Second ed.). Blackwell Publishers. p. 165. ISBN 978-0-631-16481-4.
  • Benton, Gregory (1992) [1974]. "Glossary of Key Terms". Early Writings. โดย Marx, Karl. แปลโดย Livingstone, Rodney; Benton, Gregory. London: Penguin Classics. pp. 429–432. ISBN 0-14-044574-9.
  • Berman, Marshall (5 พฤษภาคม 2018) [1999]. "Adventures in Marxism". Jacobin. เก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ 2023. สืบค้นเมื่อ 24 ตุลาคม 2020.
  • Colletti, Lucio (1992) [1974]. Introduction. Early Writings. โดย Marx, Karl. แปลโดย Livingstone, Rodney; Benton, Gregory. London: Penguin Classics. pp. 7–56. ISBN 0-14-044574-9.
  • Fromm, Erich (1966) [1961]. Marx's Concept of Man. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. ISBN 0-8044-6161-9. OL 7910951M.
  • Garaudy, Roger (1967) [1964]. Karl Marx: The Evolution of his Thought. Open Library. New York: International Publishers. ISBN 0837190444. OL 5548413M. สืบค้นเมื่อ 24 ตุลาคม 2020.
  • Kołakowski, Leszek (1978). Main Currents of Marxism, Vol. 1: The Founders. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-824547-5.
  • Levine, Norman (2006). Divergent Paths: The Hegelian foundations of Marx's method. Lexington Books. ISBN 9780739110478.
  • Leopold, David (2007). The Young Karl Marx: German Philosophy, Modern Politics and Human Flourishing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-511-28935-9.
  • Mandel, Ernest (1971). The Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx: 1843 to Capital. แปลโดย Pearce, Brian. London: Monthly Review Press. ISBN 9780853451877.
  • Marcuse, Herbert (1972) [1932]. "The Foundation of Historical Materialism". Studies in Critical Philosophy. Beacon Press Boston. pp. 1–48. ISBN 0-8070-1528-8. สืบค้นเมื่อ 21 กันยายน 2020.
  • Marx, Karl (1992) [1844]. "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts". Early Writings. แปลโดย Livingstone, Rodney; Benton, Gregory. London: Penguin Classics. pp. 279–400. ISBN 0-14-044574-9.
  • McLellan, David (1980) [1970]. Marx Before Marxism (Second ed.). London: The Macmillan Press Ltd. ISBN 978-0-333-27883-3.
  • Mészáros, Istvan (1970). Marx's Theory of Alienation. London: Merlin Press. ISBN 9780850361193.
  • Petrovic, Gajo (1967). Marx in the mid-twentieth century. Open Library. Garden City, New York: Anchor Books. OL 20663426M. สืบค้นเมื่อ 22 ตุลาคม 2020.
  • Petrovic, Gajo (1991) [1983]. "Alienation". ใน Bottomore, Tom; Harris, Laurence; Kiernan, V.G.; Miliband, Ralph (บ.ก.). The Dictionary of Marxist Thought (Second ed.). Blackwell Publishers Ltd. pp. 11–15. ISBN 978-0-631-16481-4.
  • Sperber, Jonathan (2013). Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 9780871404671.


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