อ้างอิง ของ ไนต์ฮอกส์_(จิตรกรรม)

  1. Ian Chilvers and Harold Osborne (Eds.), The Oxford Dictionary of Art Oxford University Press, 1997 (second edition), p. 273, ISBN 0-19-860084-4 "The central theme of his work is the loneliness of city life, generally expressed through one or two figures in a spare setting - his best-known work, Nighthawks, has an unusually large 'cast' with four."
  2. Hopper's Nighthawks, Smarthistory video, accessed April 29, 2013.
  3. Brooks, Katherine (July 22, 2012). "Happy Birthday, Edward Hopper!". The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. สืบค้นเมื่อ May 5, 2013.
  4. 1 2 The sale was recorded by Josephine Hopper as follows, in volume II, p. 95 of her and Edward's journal of his art: "May 13, '42: Chicago Art Institute - 3,000 + return of Compartment C in exchange as part payment. 1,000 - 1/3 = 2,000." See Deborah Lyons, Edward Hopper: A Journal of His Work. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1997, p. 63.
  5. Gail Levin in "Interview with Gail Levin"
  6. Wagstaff 2004, p. 44
  7. Kuh, Katherine (1962). "The Artist's Voice: Talks With Seventeen Artists". Harper & Row. p. 134. สืบค้นเมื่อ Jan 15, 2021.
  8. Gail Levin, Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography. New York: Rizzoli, 2007, pp. 351-2, citing Jo Hopper's diary entry for March 17, 1942.
  9. Hopper, interview with Katharine Kuh, in The Artist's Voice: Talks with Seventeen Modern Artists. 1962. Reprinted, New York: Da Capo Press, 2000, p. 134.
  10. Bjorkman, James. "Then and Now: Bickford's at 14th Street and Seventh Avenue, NYC". Filminspector.com. สืบค้นเมื่อ 14 August 2019.



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