อ้างอิง ของ ยุทธวิธีแบบนโปเลียน

  1. "Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age 1792– - 1815: Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics" by Robert B. Bruce, Iain Dickie, Kevin Kiley, and Michael F. Pavkovic, Published by Thomas Dunne Books, 2008
  2. Palgrave History of Europe, 41
  3. Rapport, Michael (2005). "Nineteenth-Century Europe," Palgrave History of Europe, 41
  4. Ross, Stephen (1979). From Flintlock to Rifle: Infantry Tactics, 1740-1866. Frank Cass & Co. LTD, Abingdon, 25.
  5. Chandler, David (1996). The Campaigns of Napoleon 155
  6. Rapport, Michael (2005). "Nineteenth-Century Europe," Palgrave History of Europe, 41
  7. "The Campaigns of Napoleon" by David G. Chandler, Scribner, 1973
  8. "Marengo 1800:Napoleon's day of fate (Campaign)" by David Hollins, Osprey Publishing, 2000
  9. “The background of Napoleonic warfare; the theory of military tactics in eighteenth-century France." by Robert S. Quimby, New York, Columbia University Press (1957)
  10. 1 2 3 "Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age 1792– - 1815: Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics" by Robert B. Bruce, Iain Dickie, Kevin Kiley, and Michael F. Pavkovic, Published by Thomas Dunne Books, 2008, p. 171-173
  11. In Chapter V of Clausewitz' On War, he lists Gustavus Adolphus as an example of an outstanding military leader, along with: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Alexander Farnese, Charles XII, Frederick the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte
  12. http://www.napoleon-series.org/military/organization/c_kevarty2.html
  13. 1 2 http://www.wtj.com/articles/napart/
  14. 1 2 Ashby, Ralph (2010). “Napoleon Against Great Odds” Praeger
  15. totalwar.com


ยุทธวิธีทหารราบ ยุทธวิธีแบบนโปเลียน ยุทธวิธีทางทหาร ยุทธวิธีชนแล้วหนี ยุทธวิธีซุนจื่อ ยุทธการที่วุร์สเตอร์ ยุทธการวอร์เตอร์ลู ยุทธการที่เดียนเบียนฟู ยุทธนาวีเกาะช้าง ยุทธหัตถี