อ้างอิง ของ ยฺหวี่ชือเฉีย

  1. Classic of Mountains and Seas, "Beyond the Seas - East"; quote: "雨師妾在其北,其為人黑,兩手各操一蛇,左耳有青蛇,右耳有赤蛇。一曰在十日北,為人黑身人面,各操一龜。" translation: "The Rain Master's Concubine is to the north of [the Fusang tree (扶桑) and the Hot-Water Dale (湯谷)]; her body is black, each of her two hands holds a snake; on her left ear is a green snake, and on her right ear a red snake. Another says that to the north of the ten suns, there is a black-bodied, human-faced person, whose each [hand] holds a turtle."
  2. "大荒第一美女的雨师妾,她的能力是现在亿万女性梦寐以求的技能!". Sina (ภาษาจีน). 6 October 2019.
  3. 古本山海经图说 (ภาษาจีน). 山東畫報出版社. 2001. ISBN 978-7-80603-521-4.
  4. 中国民间俗神 (ภาษาจีน). 云南人民出版社. 2003. ISBN 978-7-222-03631-4.
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