อ้างอิงและเชิงอรรถ ของ อาการกลัวเลขสิบเจ็ด

  1. "Abnormal Psychology" p. 319, published in 1910, Moffat, Yard and company (New York). Library of Congress Control No. 10011167.
  2. English translation of the Code of Hammurabi Online Library of Liberty.
  3. Cecil Adams (1992-11-06). "Why is the number 13 considered unlucky?". The Straight Dope. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2011-05-13.
  4. Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, "Companion for the Apprentice Wizard", Career Press (2006), p 200.
  5. Harris, Nick (15 November 2007). "Bad omen for Italy as their unlucky number comes up". The Independent. London.
  • Lachenmeyer, Nathaniel (2004). 13: The Story of the World's Most Popular Superstition. New York: ISBN 1-56858-306-0.
  • Havil, Julian (2007). Nonplussed: Mathematical Proof of Implausible Ideas (Hardcover). Princeton University Press. p. 152. ISBN 0-691-12056-0.
  • O'Neil, Daniel (2008). "Fear of 13: Tales over dinner."
  • Coriat, I.H. (1910). "Abnormal Psychology", p. 319, published in, Moffat, Yard and company (New York). Library of Congress Control No. 10011167.